

Μισιρλού {Misirlou}

Lyrics written by
Original music written by
Copyright date
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Adapted from
Misirlou written by [Traditional]
The song "Misirlou" ("Misir" meaning Egypt in Arabic, and the Greek suffix "lou" meaning girl) is most likely a cover version of an Egyptian song titled "Bint Misr" (Egyptian Girl or Girl of Egypt) composed by Sayyed Darwish (1892-1923) and released on record in 1919 on the Mechian label.

Darwish was a furiously prolific Egyptian composer who died at 31 in 1923, and is one of the most influential figures in modern Arab music. He befriended and employed many Greek session musicians available at that time.

The song was probably performed first by Michalis Patrinos rebetiko band in Athens, Greece in 1927.
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Added by Denis
Managed by Bastien

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# Reported by Reported on Status Last update
#31781 Bastien 2006-03-03 18:31:11 UTC processed 2006-07-07 17:04:54 UTC by Bastien