


Years active
1995 - 2010
Neighborhood rock band, Argentina formed in Villa Celina, Province of Buenos Aires. Its first name was Río Verde.
At its most popular moment, a flare during a recital by the band at the Disco República de Cromañón, on December 30, 2004, set fire to cloths located on the ceiling and produced a tragedy. The balance was 194 dead and more than 700 injured. Most of the deaths occurred from severe respiratory problems caused by inhaling carbon monoxide. The incident began around 10:30 p.m. that day, when Callejeros was performing the third theme of the show. It is known that there were at least 2,000 people and there are several indications that the bowling alley was occupied beyond capacity.
On August 19, 2009, a sentence was passed in the criminal case, the musicians who were members of Callejeros were acquitted.
In April 2011, the Chamber of Cassation reviewed the sentence handed down two years earlier, this time condemning all the members of the band as necessary participants in the crime of "Arson followed by death in a royal contest with active bribery." On October 17, 2012, the Criminal Cassation Chamber sentenced the entire band, with immediate compliance with the sentence to all those convicted (fourteen years in total). On August 6, 2014, the Supreme Court granted the appeal extraordinary presented by the band, setting them free pending a new ruling. However, in April 2016 the Criminal Cassation Chamber, upon reviewing the ruling, sentenced Patricio Santos Fontanet to 7 years in prison and 5 years to the rest of the musicians.


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