Secret Love
First theatrical release in Calamity Jane (1953)
Covered by
(582 artists)
First theatrical release in Calamity Jane (1953)
Covered by
(582 artists)
Released on Twilight Time (1945)
Covered by
(391 artists)
Released on Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que sera, sera) (1956)
Covered by
(276 artists)
First theatrical release in The Man Who Knew too Much (1956)
Covered by
(276 artists)
Originally by (unknown), Ethel Smith And The Bando Carioca With Bob Eberly
Released on Latin for Lovers (1965)
Originally by Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra
Released on Day by Night (1957)
Originally by Ruby and The Romantics - Arr. & Cond. by Leroy Kirkland
Released on Latin for Lovers (1965)
Originally by Felicia Sanders PRF, Kaye Ballard REC,REL
Released on Latin for Lovers (1965)