

Glenn Miller and His Orchestra - Vocal Refrain by Tex Beneke

Glenn Miller Orchestra with Tex Beneke
The Original Glenn Miller Orchestra – Vocal by Tex Beneke
Tex Beneke with The Glenn Miller Orchestra


Title Performer Release date Covered by
 REL October 1942 (5 artists)
Originally by Stars on Ice Cast PRF
1941 (5 artists)
 BRD (230 artists)
Originally by Glenn Miller and His Orchestra - Vocal Refrain by Tex Beneke and The Four Modernaires REL
July 10, 1942 (46 artists)
listen on Internet Archive March 7, 1941 (8 artists)
 REL July 25, 1941 (230 artists)
Originally by Glenn Miller and His Orchestra with Tex Benteke and the Modernaires and Dorothy Dandridge and the Nicholas Brothers BRD
listen on Internet Archive June 26, 1939 (17 artists)
August 22, 1941 (5 artists)
The Rumba Jumps Glenn Miller and His Orchestra - Vocal Refrain by Marion Hutton and "Tex" Beneke April 12, 1940 Unverified