Bony Moronie
Released on Bony Moronie (1957)
Covered by
(114 artists)
Released on Bony Moronie (1957)
Covered by
(114 artists)
Released on Dizzy, Miss Lizzy (1958)
Covered by
(77 artists)
Released on Dizzy, Miss Lizzy (1958)
Covered by
(39 artists)
Released on She Said, "Yeah" (1959)
Covered by
(16 artists)
Originally by Teresa Brambilla, Shirley and Lee, Lloyd Price and His Orchestra
Released on Just Because (1957)
Originally by Lloyd Price and His Orchestra
Released on Here's Larry Williams (1959)
Originally by Sugar Boy and His Cane Cutters
Released on Unreleased Larry Williams (1974)
Originally by Little Richard and His Band
Released on The Great Rock Stars (1973)