
Cover submission


Greensleeves by The Weavers

Submitted by


On October 3, 2019




By The Weavers



Processed by


On October 3, 2019

Created performance

The Weavers at Carnegie Hall

Other submissions on this release

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Change by sebcat
2019-10-03 20:37:35 UTC
Assignee: sebcat
Change by sebcat
2019-10-03 20:38:32 UTC
Status: open processed
Comment by sebcat
2019-10-03 20:38:32 UTC

Shouldn't this be linked to the original Greensleeves and not the adaptation?

Comment by mduval32323
2019-10-03 21:03:35 UTC

If I didn't incorrectly I apologize. Wasn't sure. The other goofy thing about this song is their version is really just an Instrumental but then towards the end they get in a dialogue about the words to it and he starts singing the words and such so I hated to call it an Instrumental. This was a Live album (actually one of the first Live albums and a very famous all time album because of it) so I just felt it should be on the site.

Comment by sebcat
2019-10-03 21:11:56 UTC

Okay. I added some commentary. Feel free to add when you add songs yourself.

So have you seen all the feedback on the test database?

Comment by mduval32323
2019-10-03 23:01:40 UTC

I just added a Gary Allan album. Used the EAN too...hopefully I did this one 100% correct.

Comment by sebcat
2019-10-03 23:19:28 UTC

Yes you're clearly getting the hang of things.

I'd recommend working consistently through each of the points in error reports though.

Otherwise you'll keep making the same mistakes.

Comment by mduval32323
2019-10-04 02:52:46 UTC

I'm thoroughly frustrated with all this. It doesn't work for me. I am tired of trying and trying and not working. I need to go thru a video tutorial again of strictly processing my stuff. If I can get thru a handful of examples I should be able to take it from there. It's just not working and I'm very frustrated.