
Cover submission

need info

Chiquitita by Menudo

Submitted by

Sergio Murillo

On May 13, 2017

Assigned to

Sergio Murillo

On September 1, 2020



Chiquitita [Spanish]

By Menudo




Release date

Additional comments and sources

Sources used: iTunes

Other links to allow for verification:


Change by sebcat
2018-04-14 01:17:48 UTC
Assignee: sebcat
Comment by sebcat
2018-04-14 01:18:24 UTC

Hi - could you provide more detailed release info?

Change by sebcat
2018-04-14 01:18:27 UTC
Status: open need info
Comment by Dola
2020-09-01 13:41:00 UTC

Puh, this one is hard. Happy

Menudo recorded "Chiquitita" for their third album. The first release of this album was in 1979. Seems this album is know under two different titles: Chiquitita or Menudo. Today it can be found under Chiquitita:

while Discogs lists the 1979 Puerto Rican vinyl under Menudo.

Personally, I would prefer to use the title that is most widely used today: Chiquitita, to make it more searchable.

Other complications arise when it comes to authorship. It seems likely to me that they used the translation that was written for ABBA by Buddy and Mary McCluskey in 1979. But other than Wikipedia, I couldn't find a source to support my assumption. I read in an interview with the McCluskeys, that they decided to stay close to the original lyrics with their translation and make it as easy as possible so ABBA could pronounce it. Also they did in 'neutral' Spanish, avoiding idioms, as they said. So, maybe, if someone here speaks Spanish, it could be verified by listening to both versions that these are the same lyrics.

Lastly, here's Menudo's version on YouTube [[]].

Last updated by Dola on 2020-09-10 20:45:35 UTC - Show original message