
Cover submission


A Horse with No Name by Fletan Power

Submitted by

Tar Heel

On July 8, 2017



Horse with No Name

By Fletan Power

Cover of


Love & Country

Love & Country

Release date
Album Digital

Other submissions on this release

Additional comments and sources

Sources used: Amazon; YouTube

Other links to allow for verification:

Artist now on site: Marathon Media Studio Artists

Most likely one of a series of digital releases of various studio acts. There are many related releases with overlapping tracks. As I've seen one or more related artists already on site and to be complete in submitting missing America covers.....

Main Submission:


Comment by CarlDennis
2017-07-11 07:58:51 UTC

This is a bit too much. I enterd Fletan Power , but then found out, that under that name various covers have been released on labels nobody has heard from and I cannot find catalogue nuumbers etcetera: in the waiting room!


Last updated by CarlDennis on 2017-07-11 07:59:10 UTC - Show original message

Comment by Tar Heel
2017-07-11 16:39:51 UTC

Yeah, I don't know what to do with these when I find them. I suppose a perpetually open submission causes no harm, and others may find it helpful. Moreover, nailing down the first release is near impossible for me.

Typically I only submit covers by this type of artist when a) the artist is already on site, b) we have no or few covers of the song, or c) completeness (like this one).

Last updated by Tar Heel on 2017-07-11 22:59:27 UTC - Show original message

Comment by CarlDennis
2017-07-12 07:00:08 UTC

Well, dear VV, I tend to leave it for a while and the same goes for by an "artist" called Pub Dog...............


PS And as you say a perpetually open submission causes no harm

Comment by Tar Heel
2017-07-12 07:07:34 UTC

Pub Dog isn't too bad and has some rarer covers. At least those releases aren't "various artists". Editor's choice of course.

Comment by CarlDennis
2017-07-12 08:26:53 UTC

So, what the f......., is Pub Dog? Smile Smile

Comment by Tar Heel
2017-07-12 09:23:35 UTC

Probably some studio creation or some digital only act. Just found them cover surfing, and confirmed some relatively rare covers by them. If my memory is right, better audio than typical for such acts, so dunno really. The identity of new artists isn't a high priority for me, usually only providing links If they pop up when I Google the release.

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2018-01-15 20:58:02 UTC

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Change by Tar Heel
2018-03-26 21:47:57 UTC

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