
Cover submission


She Talks to Angels by CMH Studio Artists

Submitted by

Tar Heel

On February 15, 2018



She Talks to Angels

By CMH Studio Artists ()



Processed by


On October 20, 2020

Created performance

Pickin' On The Black Crowes: A Tribute

Pickin' On The Black Crowes: A Tribute

Release date
Album CD

Other submissions on this release

Additional comments and sources

Sources used: iTunes; YouTube; etc.

Other links to allow for verification:

Now on site: She Talks to Angels

For main submission, see


Change by Tar Heel
2020-09-01 00:57:42 UTC

Description: Show

Comment by Canary
2020-09-01 18:14:06 UTC

You agree that I reject your entry (and do the same for Hard to Handle) or do you want me to solve it in another way?

Comment by Tar Heel
2020-09-01 18:53:13 UTC

First, thanks for asking.

Second, please consider the history of how this artist and series of releases were handled on site. Things kept going back n' forth from crediting the session musicians to some generic name. In some cases I spent some time trying to find these musicians even though I don't credit them in my notes, checking for earlier releases, etc.

Third, the work was already on site when this was submitted and they're aren't that many covers on site now. I believe I submitted the original and first cover.

Lastly, I'll repeat here that I can appreciate that it's very efficient for you to not check for existing submissions prior to entering, but when a miss is found there is a process to salvage the missed submission that attaches and processes rather than rejecting. I don't know how time consuming that process is, but most of the editors I work with regularly use it. Something buried under "Summertime" is one thing, most are another. What I want is for you to salvage the submission, but it's your decision of course....

Change by Canary
2020-10-20 12:15:18 UTC
Assignee: Canary
Change by Canary
2020-10-20 12:16:43 UTC
Status: open processed
Comment by Canary
2020-10-20 12:16:43 UTC

Added, thanks!