
Error report


Soluna Samay

Submitted by

Tar Heel

On December 27, 2018



Soluna Samay

Soluna Samay Kettel

Error description

This artist is an orphan with nothing currently attached. Looks like half of Gee Gee & Soluna


Comment by camembert electrique
2018-12-28 06:50:46 UTC

Basically, that's not wrong - Gee Gee & Soluna consists of Gee Gee Kettel and Soluna Samay, but currently, this duo isn't mirrored that way.

With both Gee Gee Kettel and Gee Gee & Soluna having been entered before my adding Soluna Samay in her own rights, it would require Gee Gee & Soluna to be turned into a joint artist

That, again, would result in 60+ tracks also listed for Soluna Samay, but, see above, is not in my sole discretion.

Comment by Tar Heel
2018-12-28 07:07:29 UTC

Should an orphaned artist be on site? I found on site as a result of the duo's recording....

Is there a way to hide orphaned entries in case it something gets attached in the future? Once attached, the entry would auto-unhide....

Comment by camembert electrique
2018-12-28 19:29:33 UTC

I don't consider artist pages 'orphan' if needed for the sake of completion.

Anyway, this page isn't 'orphaned', anymore.

Last updated by camembert electrique on 2018-12-29 08:36:03 UTC - Show original message

Change by camembert electrique
2018-12-28 19:29:38 UTC
Status: open processed