

Warner Records
United States
from 2019
As of May 28, 2019, Warner Records is the legal continuation of the former Warner Bros. Records label and company under the Warner Music Group (WMG) roof. The rebranding followed a contractual agreement between the selling media conglomerate, Time Warner, and the buying investment group, which allowed the use of the Warner Brothers name and shield logo for 15 years after the purchase. Accordingly, WMG also introduced a new logo for Warner Records.
As of June 1st, 2020, Warner Music is listed at the Wall Street stock market. The induction value was $ 1.2 billion.
Related labels
Major Recordings   Sublabel (2023-...)
Warner Bros. Records   Predecessing label
Warner Music Group   Mother company (2019-...)
Warner Resound   Sublabel (2019-...)
Warner Western   Sublabel (2019-...)


Added by camembert electrique


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#286777 walt 2023-02-15 11:46:27 UTC processed 2023-02-28 19:03:41 UTC by camembert electrique