

Looking for a song title

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Posts: 2

bigdonb @ 2008-09-08 00:09:28 UTC

Because I do not speak Portuguese, I am unable to provide any more data than the following. I only recently heard this song on a MYOL-type station, and they said it was some type of samba by Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66.

At any rate, the chorus has the hook: "BAH, BAH, BAH, BAH".

Thanks a million to one and all.



Managing Editor
Posts: 1079

dudek @ 2012-07-28 22:56:44 UTC

Dear bigdonb, in case you're still interested: you might have meant this song: Mas Que Nada, especially those two covers containing Sergio Mendes (where the first "o's" from "obá obá obá" are not so easy to hear).