

Valssi menneiltä ajoilta, a waltz by Ion Ivanovici


Retired Editor
Posts: 2752

CarlDennis @ 2018-04-29 09:03:17 UTC

Ion Ivanovici (1845-1902) is is best remembered today for his waltz Valurile Dunării (Waves of the Danube) and as soon as you hear this melody you can sing along. Al Jolson turned this into his Anniversary Song .

In Finland another waltz by Ivanovici has been covered by many artists - Valssi menneiltä ajoilta - meaning something like Waltz of the Past. Here is an accordion version by Lasse Pihlajamaa

Can anyone tell me the name of the original work by Ion Ivanovici?



New Editor
Posts: 1759

jojo @ 2019-07-26 15:06:13 UTC


It was my assumption, but listening a bit closer to a few more versions, I begin to doubt.

Sorry for the confusion.

JoJo greets


Retired Editor
Posts: 2752

CarlDennis @ 2019-07-26 16:01:56 UTC

No problem, Joop, but I started to doubt my own ears.................