
About Us

The Second Hand Songs project was founded in early 2003 by Bastien De Zutter, Mathieu De Zutter and Denis Monsieur. The additions to the database are the works of a group of fanatic cover song lovers, who devote their time on a voluntary basis.

Active editors

These are our active editors:

  1. Bastien - Belgium
  2. Mathieu - Belgium
  3. Canary - Belgium
  4. baggish - United Kingdom
  5. Nap - Brazil
  6. hounddogman - Denmark
  7. artsinspired - United States (NYC area)
  8. walt - Belgium
  9. Limbabwe - Netherlands
  10. dudek - Czech Republic
  11. camembert electrique - Germany
  12. Will Moore - United States (Massachusetts)
  13. sebcat - United Kingdom
  14. Clee J - United States (Texas)
  15. microtherion - Switzerland
  16. Oldiesmann - United States (Ohio)
  17. Oliver One - France
  18. casb - Argentina
  19. Sylvain Guillou - France
  20. Mark_Heyrman - Belgium
  21. spsr - Spain
  22. Pencho15 - Mexico
  23. dany - Spain

Retired editors

Here's a list of retired editors, who we like to thank a lot for their additions:

If you would like to join our team, read all about it on the Join Us page.

Contact us

To contact us, visit the contact page

Technical details

The Second Hand Songs website runs on a Debian machine using: