
Guidelines / Works: External links

Preferred sources

Our prefered sources for credits are, in authorative order

  • PRO databases that are integrated with our database: ACUM, ASCAP, ISWC, BMI, GEMA, JASRAC, PRS, SACEM and OSA

    • Adding 1 external link of the above sources is sufficient. After entering, the database will automatically try to crossreference with the others.

    • Archived work codes

      • Work codes that have been replaced by newer work codes
      • Archived work codes should stay in the External Links but marked as "dead"

        Example : The work code T-900.288.219-1 for 17 Pink Sugar Elephants has been replaced with T-314.418.250-9

      • The database will NOT try to match the PRO data when the PRO link is marked as dead.
  • Other PRO databases: APRA, BUMA, SABAM, SIAE, SGAE, etc...
    • External links to the above usually don't work, instead add their respective work IDs to the editor notes.
  • The physical release itself
  • Other sources like reference websites (Discogs, ...)


In case of Credits Mismatch errors, process this alert in one of the following ways (R):

  • If it's not a mismatch, it's just the composer/author identities on SHS and the PRO are unlinked. Just click on "Link with..."
  • If it's a mismatch, and SHS got it wrong, correct SHS.
  • If it's a mismatch, and you have very strong data that proves the PRO wrong, go to "EDIT > External links" and check the Validation checkbox. Explain why the PRO is wrong.
    • If the mismatch occurred because the PRO mixed up the artist IPI, add the wrongly attributed IPI to "Blocked IPIs" of the artist in question, so this IPI can't come back anymore.
    • When the PRO in question refers to the right work but has part of the data wrong, do not delete the external link to the PRO. Read more about Deleting external links .

Check out the complete list of External links marked as Data msimatch.


  • No distinction is made between composers & authors when matching them with PROs. The data is too unreliable.

  • Echo Nest

    • Many years ago we did an automatic import of Echo Nest links, because it allowed us to link to other databases like Spotify. Currently, no new Echo Nest links are being created.
    • Some of these links point towards the wrong entities, you can delete those (and it's subsequent deduced links) when you come across them.