
Guidelines / Works: Language

  • Compulsory field, except for instrumentals
  • Undetermined: Exclusively used for Vocal non-lyrical works.
  • Multiple Languages
    • Only use when creating original works where substantial portions of the song lyric or poem are in two or more different languages.

      Example: Verses in one language, choruses in a second language, such as The French Waltz Example: Verses in different languages, such as 7 Seconds Example: Lines alternate between two languages or the languages are used interchangeably, such as Cân Merthyr

    • Do not use when the principal language is >95% of the lyric and a second language is only used for phrases that are used and understood as part of the primary language.

      Example: Vaya con Dios is a Spanish phrase meaning Go with God. In the context of the song Vaya Con Dios, it is used within a lyric that is otherwise wholly English (“Vaya con Dios, my darling”...). Example: In the song Ce Soir, the French words ce soir (this evening) are the only non-English words ("Kill me ce soir...").

    • NB: In both of the above examples, the language is assigned as English and the English capitalization style guidelines are followed.