
HowTo / Submissions

1. Processing Submissions

  • The performer of the release is currently assumed to be the same as the performer, a submitting user can't get this right if it's not the case.
  • Comment section
    • The comment section of the submission will be copied automatically to the editor notes. Don't forget to erase everything that is irrelevant or duplicate.
  • Accidentally reopening processed submissions
    • By reopening you detached the performance from the submission.
    • Therefore, post a comment with a link to the performance in question and use the "register performance" feature.
  • Completeness
    • To view which fields are missing, hover the completeness score


2. Withdrawing Submissions

which will lead to:

You can use this feature in cases where you realize you there is a critical mistake that makes your submission invalid: The song is not a cover, or it's duplicate submission, or....

This will remove your submission from the cover versions listings ánd from the editors' processing flow. Withdrawn submissions will NOT affect your total "rejected" submissions. This is also the main difference with the Reject option.