The website (hereinafter: "the Website") contains a comprehensive database of information on original songs and cover songs, including the songwriter and performing artist, based on publicly available information. All the data in the database is generated by the users of SecondHandSongs (hereinafter: "the Users").
SecondHandSongs is committed to the respect for and protection of intellectual property (including but not limited to copyright, neighbouring rights, trademark rights, commercial names and image rights) and privacy. SecondHandSongs is committed to the compliance with supranational, international and national intellectual property laws, such as the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and privacy laws, as well as the industry's best practices.
An equal commitment regarding the respect for and protection of intellectual property and privacy, is expected from the Users of SecondHandSongs, regardless of their competences. The Users’ competences are organized on the basis of a hierarchical structure, subdivided into different levels.The higher the User level, the more data the User can generate (for more information regarding the User levels, please visit User Levels).
If you believe that your work, song, name, photo, data or any other information available on the Website, is used in a way that constitutes an infringement of your intellectual property or privacy rights, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. SecondHandSongs will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please be aware that given the size of the crowd-sourced database and massive amount of daily manipulations by the Users, the response may take some time. However, SecondHandSongs is committed to the implementation of quick and appropriate measures when necessary.