

Written by
Performed live in

The Blackbird Revue
Stage production
January 4, 1928

It is not entirely clear that the original performance of this work was in "Blackbirds of 1928". It had been scheduled to be in an earlier musical revue, "Harry Delmar's Revels" in 1927. Harry Delmar hated the song, and it was cut from "Revels"; however, it may have been cut only after the opening night of the revue. The sources disagree on this. We believe it is more likely that the song was cut before the opening of "Harry Delmar's Revels". If, as is reported, Delmar hated the song, it seems unlikely that he would have allowed it to be used and then cut it after a single performance.
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Added by Bastien

Reported errors

# Reported by Reported on Status Last update
#38961 Isa 2009-04-18 18:05:20 UTC processed 2009-07-21 14:23:52 UTC by Bastien
#44156 walt 2012-08-29 23:52:11 UTC processed 2012-09-11 14:10:54 UTC by tsk
#96437 Nataly Merezhuk 2018-08-08 15:12:00 UTC processed 2020-03-15 12:49:13 UTC by Oliver One
#170111 vic.diriken 2021-05-08 10:28:17 UTC processed 2021-05-10 15:24:41 UTC by Bastien