
Cover submission


Take the "A" Train by Duke Ellington's Spacemen

Submitted by


On January 2, 2018



Take the "A" Train

By Duke Ellington's Spacemen


The Cosmic Scene

The Cosmic Scene

Release date
Columbia [US]
Catalog number
CL 1198
Album 12" LP

Additional comments and sources

Sources used: youtube, discogs

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Change by microtherion
2018-06-17 09:54:56 UTC
Assignee: microtherion
Comment by microtherion
2018-06-17 09:56:17 UTC

This is another Ellington led ensemble, so I'm not sure this qualifies as a "different artist" according to our criteria (we already have a vocal, instrumental, and visual recording of this song by Ellington).

Change by microtherion
2018-06-17 09:56:22 UTC
Status: open need info
Change by JeffC
2018-06-17 12:00:36 UTC
Status: need info open
Comment by JeffC
2018-06-17 12:00:36 UTC

I'm never sure how this works. "The label controls" except when it doesn't?

Comment by microtherion
2018-06-22 22:27:50 UTC

I must admit that this was a complete judgment call on my part. Can you please point me to the guideline that says "the label controls"?

Change by microtherion
2018-06-22 22:28:44 UTC
Status: open need info
Change by JeffC
2018-06-23 02:32:57 UTC
Status: need info open
Comment by JeffC
2018-06-23 02:32:57 UTC

No, I can't. It used to be addressed (somewhat) in the "database guidelines," but these are no longer available (to me?).


In any event, I've never quite grasped how "credits" work. (See, e.g.,

Last updated by JeffC on 2018-06-23 06:37:51 UTC - Show original message

Comment by sebcat
2018-06-23 12:21:55 UTC

It's an area of very active discussion among editors - with not much prospect of being resolves as far as I can see.

At the present time, I think the position is that we should only include one performance per artist. There are a few exceptions, but this is the gist. So if we think that Duke Ellington and "Duke Ellington's Spaceman" are the same 'artist' as per SHS definitions, then we wouldn't add a second performance based on the current approach. On the other hand, if you felt that "Duke Ellington's Spaceman" should be listed as a separate artist in the database, then you could add the cover.

Comment by microtherion
2018-06-23 17:05:03 UTC

Thanks for the added discussion, Jeff and Seb. My thought on this is that the "Spacemen" have no identity separate from Duke Ellington; they never recorded anything else under that name. So my instinct would be to treat them as an alias for Duke Ellington himself. is a bit different, because in that case, there is at least an identifiable band leader/conductor distinct from the soloist. Here, there is not even that.

Comment by sebcat
2024-03-11 23:57:49 UTC

My thought on this is that the "Spacemen" have no identity separate from Duke Ellington; they never recorded anything else under that name. So my instinct would be to treat them as an alias for Duke Ellington himself.

Agree microtherion , suggesting that this cover doesn't qualify for the database JeffC ?

Change by microtherion
2024-03-12 00:24:29 UTC
Status: open need info
Change by JeffC
2024-03-12 02:18:08 UTC
Status: need info open
Change by JeffC
2024-03-12 02:18:15 UTC
Assignee: microtherion JeffC
Change by JeffC
2024-03-12 02:18:21 UTC
Status: open rejected