
Cover submission


Zum Tunell Uus (Me & Bobby McGee) by Toni Vescoli

Submitted by


On November 25, 2019



Zum Tunell Uus (Me & Bobby McGee)

By Toni Vescoli


Ich Bin So Frei

Ich Bin So Frei

Release date
Universal Music
Catalog number
13C 1763341
Album 12" LP

Additional comments and sources

Sources used:

Other links to allow for verification:


Change by camembert electrique
2020-01-23 05:03:51 UTC
Assignee: camembert electrique
Comment by camembert electrique
2020-01-23 05:21:12 UTC

In the process of adding more to Viscoli, I just added this one - only to right afterwards finding out about your submission. As you posted it earlier than I added it, I will re-credit it to you.

Nevertheless: Your only quoted source (please add two whenever possible) clearly shows EMI as the releasing label/company... So why did you link to Universal Music?

There are no translator credits - always very important and helpful for adding so called adaptations (and they should be backed by links to sources).


Comment by camembert electrique
2020-01-23 05:21:36 UTC
Change by camembert electrique
2020-01-23 05:21:39 UTC
Status: open processed
Comment by Scousedave
2020-01-23 13:01:37 UTC

No idea why I refer to Universal Music. That field would be automatically completed by Discogs. Maybe they corrected it later.

I agree about translator credits but if they are lacking in ITunes and Discogs, I am at a loss.

Youtube link herewith.

Comment by camembert electrique
2020-01-24 00:08:09 UTC

iTunes are mostly not exactly a good source for finding any kind of songwriting credits Smile

I spotted that clip, too, but we only add clips as exactly as possible representing the versions added. Unfortunately, bad sounding live videos shot from the audience don't match that criteria...

Change by camembert electrique
2021-04-12 22:49:21 UTC
Status: processed open
Comment by camembert electrique
2021-04-12 22:58:15 UTC

So, here we go...

Change by camembert electrique
2021-04-12 22:58:25 UTC
Status: open duplicate