
Cover submission


As Time Goes By by Bluegrass Student Union

Submitted by

Tar Heel

On March 30, 2020



As Time Goes By

By Bluegrass Student Union

Cover of


Volume IV

Bluegrass Student Union

United States

Volume IV

Release date
Album Digital

Additional comments and sources

Sources used: CDBaby; YouTube; etc.

Other links to allow for verification:

Previously unreleased as best I can determine....

As Time Goes By · Bluegrass Student Union

Volume IV

℗ 2011 Bluegrass Student Union

Released on: 2011-03-01

Related Submission:


Comment by sebcat
2023-08-13 21:43:19 UTC

First released in 1998 - one of only ten tracks on the compilation previously unreleased. History of each song still available.

Submission needs to be edited with correct release info.

Change by sebcat
2023-08-13 21:43:23 UTC
Status: open need info
Change by Tar Heel
2023-08-13 23:37:21 UTC
Status: need info open
Comment by Tar Heel
2023-08-13 23:37:21 UTC

Since when are submissions expected to be revised due to subsequently discovered info? Moreover, I would only do so if I personally was confident in that new info.

For my notes, I am comfortable with how currently indexed but will consider changing after my post-processing review.

Comment by sebcat
2023-08-14 08:16:53 UTC

Since when are submissions expected to be revised due to subsequently discovered info?

Clearly 1998 is earlier than 2011, and it is shown on the group’s own website as “previously unreleased” as of 1998.

I’d recommend leaving in the version list as “missing info” if you really don’t think the info is more reliable than yours, or better still adjust the submission so it displays better info in the version list while waiting to be verified.

Change by sebcat
2023-08-14 08:16:57 UTC
Status: open need info
Change by Tar Heel
2023-08-14 14:25:52 UTC
Status: need info open
Comment by Tar Heel
2023-08-14 14:25:52 UTC

a) Nothing is clear until I confirm myself, which I'm not interested in doing for this submission at this time.

b) I'm not going to set a precedent by revising a submission per a request. This submission is over 3 years old, which means researched likely well before that. The historical SHS process is that others can add missing info or suggest corrections in the comments.

c) Again, I will review the editors' final findings after processing and consider revising my notes. I don't always agree with the editors.

Comment by sebcat
2023-08-16 00:54:39 UTC

The historical SHS process is that others can add missing info or suggest corrections in the comments.

But if you edit the entry, it will be shown correctly in the version table. Others cannot edit it.

Currently the submission is showing the cover as thirteen years too late. Now that "missing info" entries are shown in the version table, the correct treatment would be to leave it in "need info" if you do not wish to correct your submission yourself.

Change by sebcat
2023-08-16 00:54:42 UTC
Status: open need info
Change by Tar Heel
2023-08-16 01:41:00 UTC
Status: need info open
Comment by Tar Heel
2023-08-16 01:41:00 UTC

a) I get your best practice suggestion. I understand but have decided to not edit for this particular submission.

b) The "Need Info" is the incorrect process for this. What info is needed? What else is needed for processing?

Change by sebcat
2024-03-16 00:55:42 UTC
Assignee: sebcat
Change by sebcat
2024-03-16 00:55:47 UTC
Status: open incomplete