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Tar Heel

Posts: 5777

Tar Heel @ 2017-06-19 02:37:22 UTC

Curious as to why both Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! and Silent Night! Holy Night! are listed separately on this list. Seems to me only those songs that are considered originals (i.e. not adaptions) should be considered for this list. Otherwise we're double counting.

I must be reading something wrong.


Posts: 5787

walt @ 2017-06-19 13:37:26 UTC

Good spot... Let's say a French root work would have 5 versions and the English adaptation would have 500. Then the French would still be higher in the statistics? Example: 'Je t'appartiens' vs 'Let It Be Me'.

Seems unlogical. Then again, the adaptation would not exist without the root work. We're double counting indeed, but I don't know if that's a bad thing.

Tar Heel

Posts: 5777

Tar Heel @ 2017-06-19 14:13:44 UTC

The problem is likely related to that described in....

I would have no issues with listing a more "obscure" (for lack of a better word) if all of the subsequent adaptions are straight-up covers, like the cited "Silent Night". However, when an adaption is closer to a new work (e.g. the troublesome "My Way") for cover purposes, it causes confusion and this list less informative.

Note to Mat: Is there a way for internal hyperlinks to topics to auto-convert to the topic's name, like songs and artists do?


Posts: 3807

baggish @ 2017-06-19 14:33:54 UTC

Curious as to why both Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! and Silent Night! Holy Night! are listed separately on this list. Seems to me only those songs that are considered originals (i.e. not adaptions) should be considered for this list. Otherwise we're double counting.

I must be reading something wrong.

Hi VV, under Filter you can choose "Show root works only".


Really wild, General!

Tar Heel

Posts: 5777

Tar Heel @ 2017-06-19 15:14:05 UTC

Hi VV, under Filter you can choose "Show root works only".


Hmm... When I sort by adaptions only, I still see the same thing. I must be reading the list wrong.


Posts: 3807

baggish @ 2017-06-19 15:32:32 UTC

Yes, well, there seem to be a few issues:

- "Show adaptations only" doesn't do what the name says

- When you choose an option and Submit, the Filter field goes blank when it should show the option you chose

- Probably "Show adaptations only" should be renamed "Show root works and adaptations", and a new "Show adaptations only" option added

Really wild, General!