

Add a video to existing entry?


Posts: 9

simonali @ 2018-06-05 21:59:18 UTC

Is it possible for anyone to do or only staff?


Managing Editor
Posts: 8013

sebcat @ 2018-06-05 22:45:04 UTC

It depends if there is a video there already. Which one are you looking at?


Posts: 9

simonali @ 2018-06-05 23:07:34 UTC

This one: Whole Lotta Love

The video is audio only, but there is proper vid on YouTube, too. Not great quality, but a little more interesting than a non-moving picture perhaps?


Managing Editor
Posts: 8013

sebcat @ 2018-06-05 23:31:50 UTC

Gotcha. You can report it as an error on the performance page - and the relevant editor will review and see which one is more suitable.


Posts: 9

simonali @ 2018-06-05 23:37:03 UTC

I don't feel a need to report it as I think they're both equally suitable. One has moving pictures of the band and one has good audio. Is there not a provision to have both?


Managing Editor
Posts: 8013

sebcat @ 2018-06-05 23:44:40 UTC

I don't feel a need to report it as I think they're both equally suitable. One has moving pictures of the band and one has good audio. Is there not a provision to have both?

Second video added. It’s okay to use ‘report error’ to let a responsible editor know if you have more info for one of their entries.