

Best Practice: EZ Add Legacy Submissions

Tar Heel

Posts: 5777

Tar Heel @ 2020-08-23 18:07:12 UTC

Can't speak for others, but I hate to see old lingering legacy submissions period, but especially when they look easy to clear. While I've only finished researching (i.e. haven't listened yet) and assuming it pans out, the submission below is what inspired this post:

Here we have a major artist (on site) covering a major song (on site), yet it's lingered since freaking 2008. I'd like to think that at least some editors have an interest in clearing these and would like some notice if a contributor comes across one. Clearly the cases that deserve special notice would be a judgment call, but surely we can do something, no?

Tar Heel

Posts: 5777

Tar Heel @ 2020-09-27 19:33:42 UTC

One month and no thoughts?

Apparently I (and my partnered editors for the generic legacy close project) are the only ones who have a material interest in keeping the site relatively clean in this regard. I struggle to understand this, but okay....