

Cover song Segment...


Posts: 5

Seantwisted @ 2010-01-07 13:55:56 UTC

Hey all, Not sure if i'll get hollered at for posting this, but nevertheless.. I have a weekly internet radio show that runs friday nights 7-10p (US CST) on, And I'll be introducing a Recurring, weekly segment THIS friday, Titled "Six Feet Undercover" which will consist of a block of 6 Cover songs (Mostly Rock, but i may throw in a different style every now and again). It'll be during the 2nd hour, so if you just want to hear the covers, please try and tune in.. I take requests too!

Anyway, That's about it - Sorry if i'm not supposed to be advertising a radio show in here but I figured since it is relevant to the cover song department... :-) I Used to play WAY more cover songs, but decided that it might be a few too many so i'm trying to limit myself lol. Have a library of almost 2000 Covers alone :-x so anyway. Dig y'all later

Sean Twisted

-Grave Disorder, Fri 7-10p cst on!
