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This is another murder ballad of Scottish origin, collected by Francis James Child as number 11 and contained in the Roud Folksong Index as number 26. The short version of the ballad's story is that a maiden agrees to marry, and proceeds to get consent from various kin, but neglects to ask her brother John, who stabs her. Given the unreasonable rage of the brother, some commentators on the ballad have suggested an incestuous relationship between brother and sister. The sister-victim lives long enough to write a will, and which she reveals her brother to be the murderer. This ballad was published in 1776, but it appears to have originated long before this publication.

The ballad is also known under many other names, including "The Three Sisters" (which can be confusing because Child 1 is also sometimes known as "The Three SIsters"), "The Three Knights", "Brother's Revenge", "Lily O", and "The Rose and the Lily".
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