
Classical work

Music written by
Composition date
T-900.047.519-4 ISWC
Famous work of the 'Newer Classic' and also considered 'the mother of program music', this consists of eleven pieces. The four (sometimes three or five) variations of the "Promenade" theme, the best known part, serve as imaginary walks from one painting to another.
Originally composed for piano, Maurice Ravel's orchestration made the work famous and one of the most performed late classical works. There are also organ, electronic/synthesizer and horn interpretations, and many performances alter the original order of the pieces.

For the pieces see:
1, 3, 5, 10: Promenade
2: The Gnome (orig.: "Gnomus")
4: The Old Castle (orig.: "Il vecchio castello")
6: Tuileries (orig.: "Tuileries, dispute d'enfants après jeux")
7: (the) Cattle (orig.: "Bydlo")
8: The Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks in their Shells (orig.: "Балет невылупившихся птенцов"; also called "Dance of the Chickens in Their Shells")
9: Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle (also simply called "The Two Jews"]
11: The Market of Limoges (orig.: "Limoges, le marché - La grande nouvelle")
12: Catacombs (orig. "Catacombae")
13 resp. 12a: Cum mortuis in lingua mortua
14: The Hut of Baba Yaga (orig.: "Избушка на курьих ножках Баба Яга"; sometimes also called "The Hut on Fowl's Legs")
15: The Great Gate of Kiew (orig.: "В стольном городе во Киеве")
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