

Music written by
Lyrics written by
Publication date
September 1948
Besides the chorus, this has two verses not part of the later We Shall Overcome: "We will build a new world" and "The Lord will see us through". That adaptation used "We'll walk hand in hand", though, and other verses were added (see there). Nevertheless, even artists only recording the chorus credit Carawan/Hamilton/Seeger/Horton (in whose names "We Shall Overcome" was registered) or just Seeger for the song writing.
In 2016, the United States District Court in Manhattan ruled that the chorus is public domain = traditional and the additional phrases by Seeger & co. remain their work. With a higher court confirming that, the right-holders declared to from then on refrain from claiming copyrights in the melody or lyrics of any verse of the song.

There are various theories about this song's origin. Ethnomusicologists have stated that it reflects beginning and end of the 19th-century "No More Auction Block for Me" spiritual, also known from its refrain as "Many Thousands Gone" (which Bob Dylan quotes as an influence for "Blowing in the Wind").
The tune is also told to have been derived from the 19th century spiritual "I'll Be All Right", which, again, is supposed to make use of elements from the Italian 18th century song "Caro mio bene" and the Latin language choral "O sanctissima".
Although the musical and lyrical structures (not the wording) are obviously different, some also insist it was based on "I'll Overcome Someday", copyrighted in 1901 by Charles Albert Tindley.
Others suggest the main source was the gospel "If My Jesus Wills", composed in the early 1930s, published in 1942 and copyrighted in 1954 by Baptist choir director Louise Shropshire (which has been supported by Pete Seeger).
See also comments for We Shall Overcome.
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Added by camembert electrique