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Bluegrass song that begins - "There was a girl I loved so dearly, she lived away back in the hills, when the bluebird sings I miss my darling..."

The authorship is in question. The first recording located to date was made in 1963 by The Country Gentlemen and on their album it was credited more like a traditional song would be with just an arrangement credit by two band members, John Duffey and Pete Roberts. However, Duffey and Roberts now do have a joint registry for their song. Mac Wiseman recorded it in 1966 and he also has a registry for his performance. Wiseman also recorded it as a duet with Lester Flatt in 1971 and there is a registry only in Lester Flatt's name. Most of the subsequent covers have tended to credit either Wiseman and/or Flatt.
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