

Written by
aka "Baby, All Night Long" or "Richmond Blues"
Opening lyrics - "All night long (4x), I'm going to the depot, look 'pon the board, if a train ain't here, somewhere on the road..."
or the Baby, All Night Long variant starts - "All night long, baby all night long, all night long from midnight on, I'm going to the depot, look up on the board, if a train ain't there...."
or the Richmond Blues variant with the same tune start out - "Honey all night long, baby all night, got the Richmond blues, baby all night long, went down to the depot..."
Some versions will start out with the "I'm going to the depot, look upon the board
If the train ain't here..." section first

Earl Johnson's October 1927 recording was more of a comedic take and didn't follow the typical lyrics.
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Added by mduval32323