

Written by
Unknown author(s)
Original music written by
Original lyrics written by
Adapted from
Cradle Song written by Charles H. Gabriel
christmas song public domain
The widest known version of the song uses Murray's tune and lyrics, as well as the third stanza, first appeared in the 1892 Gabriel's version.
This version is also known as "Mueller", after a mysterious composer called Carl Mueller. To date, nothing has been found about his identity and his role in the composition. Nevertheless, there are several documents (especially from the 1920's and 1930's) that mention the song as credited to Martin Luther (lyrics) and Carl Mueller (music). It is likely that the false attribution to a "German" composer should serve as a sort of proof that the song came from Germany, where the Lutheranism was born.
Note that in the UK the lyrics are usually set to the tune "Cradle Song", written in 1895 by William J. Kirkpatrick.
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Added by Quentin
Managed by Clee J

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# Reported by Reported on Status Last update
#33227 Denis 2006-12-08 18:33:26 UTC processed 2007-09-30 16:58:59 UTC by Quentin
#81807 Bastien 2017-12-13 05:47:11 UTC processed 2017-12-13 20:43:58 UTC by Bastien

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