Wade in the Water
First recording by Sunset Four Jubilee Singers (April 1925)
First recording by Sunset Four Jubilee Singers (April 1925)
An adaptation is a musical work, which uses elements (music or lyrics) from another musical work.
A partial adaptation is a musical work which integrates only a part of another musical work, and this part is only a fragment of the new musical work.
Wade in the Water written by [Traditional]
Wade in the Water written by [Traditional] English
Wade in the Water written by [Traditional] instrumental
Dál, dál tou vodou written by Jiří Tichota Czech
Title | Performer | Release date | Info | ||
Dál, dál tou vodou | Spirituál kvintet | 1978 | First recording on January 17, 1977 First release |
Dál, dál tou vodou | X-tet | June 2011 | A cappella |
Wade in the Water written by Kris Dollimore English adapted to describe a devastating flood rather than the exodus of the Israelites
Title | Performer | Release date | Info | ||
Wade in the Water | Kris Dollimore | June 1, 2015 | First release |
Wade in the Water written by Dolio the Sleuth, Steve "Liquid" Hawley, Rench, Samantha Martin English Additional rap lyrics
Title | Performer | Release date | Info | ||
Wade in the Water | Gangstagrass featuring Liquid, Dolio the Sleuth & Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar | October 7, 2015 | First release |