

Music written by
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"Don't You Leave Me Here" is an alternative title. Jelly Roll Morton claimed to have written this work and he is often listed as the composer on releases using the title "Don't You Leave Me Here". Not to be confused with the 1924 vaudeville song Alabamy Bound with music by Ray Henderson and words by Buddy DeSylva and Bud Green.

I'm Alabama bound (x2)
And if the train don't turn around
I'm Alabama bound
Oh, don't you leave me here (x2)
But if you must go anyhow
Just leave a dime for beer
Oh, don't you be like me (x2)
Drink your good sweet cherry wine
And let that whiskey be
Well your hair don't curve
And your eyes ain't blue
Well if you don't want me, Polly Ann
Well I don't want you
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#112401 Sylvain Guillou 2019-08-03 16:11:55 UTC processed 2019-08-05 18:41:59 UTC by Canary