
Guidelines / Errors & warnings

  • The database can display a variety of "Errors & warnings". Example: Error

  • Expectations

    • If it's your entry or if you're managing it, you have to process it. (R)
    • If it's the entry of a retitred editor, we expect you to process it when you come across it. (G)
    • If it's an active editor's entry, it's up to you whether you process it or not.
  • Options when processing

    • If it's a positive positive (the error is indeed an error), edit the entry and make the necessary changes.
    • If it's a false positive (the entry is correct as it is), click on "Ignore Permanently".
  • Don't post an Error for entries already featuring a "Errors & warnings" flag: Each editor has already an overview of these in their individual Error Lists.