
Cover submission


A Groovy Kind of Love by Johannes Kalpers

Submitted by

Tar Heel

On June 18, 2018



Ich Bin Stark, Weil Du Mich Liebst

By Johannes Kalpers



Processed by


On June 19, 2018

Die Stimme des Herzens

Other submissions on this release

Additional comments and sources

Sources used: Amazon; YouTube

Other links to allow for verification:

Assuming German for all noted covers....

We are still missing a number of covers on this one....

Additional covers include:

Weil mein Herz dich nie mehr vergisst … assuming same adaption

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes


Change by Oldiesmann
2018-06-19 15:58:01 UTC
Assignee: Oldiesmann
Change by Oldiesmann
2018-06-19 16:04:03 UTC
Status: open processed
Comment by Oldiesmann
2018-06-19 16:04:03 UTC

Added, thanks!

Comment by Oldiesmann
2018-06-19 16:23:22 UTC

Added the cover of "Weil mein Herz dich nie mer vergisst" as well. Still researching the cover of "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes". I found an autogen video of it which lists the lyricist as Michael Kunze, but that version isn't listed in GEMA (GEMA lists that as an alternate title for a different adaptation).

Comment by Tar Heel
2018-06-19 16:44:10 UTC

I don't recall seeing any writing credits in the autogens I found, including for the covers/adaptions I didn't list. I try to copy/paste those when I find them....

Curious, assuming that is the same adaption as Die Liebe zu dir …, is this really a German adaption of Race to the End or are they independent lyrics?

Last updated by Tar Heel on 2018-06-19 16:54:33 UTC - Show original message