
HowTo / Test Database

  • Located at
  • Purpose: Train trainees in working with the database & applying editor guidelines
  • Advantage: Trainees can mess around as much as they want without any consequence
  • Constraints:
    • Not of all the existing data sync with the real database, e.g. artist and release visuals are missing.
    • None of the data you create can be imported to real database once training is finished
    • Verification of the cross-referenced PRO databases has very low priority, so expect your PRO links to remain "Red" for a very long time.
  • How to manage your training on the test database
    • Don't go for quantity, as we can't sync those entries
    • But go for quality: Pretend you're working on the "real deal" and set your editing standard to that level
    • When you experiment, clearly state it in the notes so other editors know to ignore those entries
    • When error reports are posted to your entries, process them as you were on the real database
  • NB: Don't be discouraged by this process. Due to its design it focuses mostly on what can be improved, what doesn't mean you're doing a bad job!