
Official Web Cover

Our Mutual Friend by Owen Hodgson

Here's a cover version I made last of The Divine Comedy's song "Our Mutual Friend". Thought it might be fun to create the story in video form … eeek! The musical arrangement is pretty much that of the original track, from their "Absent Friends" album - I fancied trying to recreate it as closely as possible.

This video was made for the "Theme Music" group wherein members have to cover/write a song that matches a theme set weekly/fortnightly. Consequently this video was originally made with that limited audience of people who know me personally in mind, rather than for general public consumption. Silliness, embarrassing dress sense, ridiculous acting or facial expressions, and general over-the-topness should be viewed within that context. :)

Our Mutual Friend
Performed by
Owen Hodgson
Originally by
The Divine Comedy
Video title
Our Mutual Friend (cover - The Divine Comedy)

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