

Music written by
Lyrics written by
This song was first presented at the XXI Festival di Sanremo 1971 held at the Sanremo Casino in Sanremo between 25 and 27 February 1971. According to the rules of this edition every song was performed in a double performance by a couple of singers or groups. In this case by Lucio Dalla and Equipe 84.
The song tells the story of an Italian single mother in World War II, who has a child with an Allied soldier. The work had been subject to changes by the censors before being admitted to the Sanremo Festival, At first the title of the piece was "Gesubambino" (Baby Jesus), but that was judged disrespectful, so maestro Ruggero Cini had replaced it with Dalla's date of birth which was March 4, 1943.
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