

Ingrid Michaelson

Personal name
Ingrid Ellen Egbert Michaelson
December 8, 1979
United States
00436938816 28 works
Indiepop singer songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Many of her songs have been featured in television programs and ads.
Member of
Army of 3
The Hotel CafĂ© Medley (2008)
Allie Moss Tour manager and guitarist
Related labels
Cabin 24 Records   owned by Michaelson


Added by wally creek
Managed by sebcat

Songs written by Ingrid Michaelson

Original songs

Title Written by Originally by Original date Covered by
Afterlife Ingrid Michaelson, Brian Lee, Adam Pallin Ingrid Michaelson April 15, 2014 Covered by (2 artists)
Be OK Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson October 14, 2008 Covered by Piano Tribute Players
Blood Brothers Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson January 24, 2012 Covered by Jordan Lee [US2]
Breakable Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson May 16, 2006 Covered by Piano Tribute Players
Christmas Valentine Jason Mraz, Ingrid Michaelson, Dave Barnes [US2] Ingrid Michaelson & Jason Mraz November 24, 2019 Covered by Ben Rickers feat. Marie Schwarze
Die Alone Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson May 16, 2006 Covered by (4 artists)
End of the World Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson January 24, 2012 Covered by Bonner Jazzchor
Everybody Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson August 25, 2009 Covered by Piano Tribute Players
Fire Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson January 24, 2012 Covered by Virginia Belles
Ghost Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson January 24, 2012 Covered by Counterparts [US]
Girls Chase Boys Ingrid Michaelson, Barry Dean, Trent Dabbs Ingrid Michaelson February 4, 2014 Covered by (3 artists)
Giving Up Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson October 14, 2008 Covered by The Macarons Project
Home Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson April 15, 2014 Covered by (2 artists)
Keep Breathing Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson October 14, 2008 Covered by (4 artists)
Locked Up Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson August 25, 2009 Covered by What's on Tap
Maybe Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson July 14, 2009 Covered by Piano Tribute Players
Men of Snow Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson August 25, 2009 Covered by Rachel Laing
Over You Ingrid Michaelson, Ian Axel, Chad Vaccarino Ingrid Michaelson featuring A Great Big World April 15, 2014 Covered by Jordan Lee [US2]
Parachute Ingrid Michaelson, Marshall Altman Cheryl Cole October 26, 2009 Covered by (4 artists)
Snowfall Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson December 2011 Covered by (2 artists)
The Chain Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson October 14, 2008 Covered by (7 artists)
The Hat Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson May 16, 2006 Covered by Beyond Unison
The Way I Am Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson May 16, 2006 Covered by (15 artists)
Time Machine Ingrid Michaelson, busbee, Trent Dabbs Ingrid Michaelson April 15, 2014 Covered by (2 artists)
Turn to Stone Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson May 8, 2009 Covered by (3 artists)
Winter Song Sara Bareilles, Ingrid Michaelson Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson October 14, 2008 Covered by (33 artists)
You and I Ingrid Michaelson Ingrid Michaelson October 14, 2008 Covered by (3 artists)
You Got Me Ingrid Michaelson, Mick Lynch [IE2], Kevin May Ingrid Michaelson feat. Storyman April 15, 2014 Covered by Distilled Harmony