
Cover submission


Walk Softly on This Heart of Mine by Ralph Stanley

Submitted by


On August 15, 2019



Walk Softly on This Heart of Mine

By Ralph Stanley



Processed by


On August 16, 2019

Memory of Your Smile

Other submissions on this release

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The performer name should be Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mountain Boys but that wasn't an option so I just selected Ralph Stanley.....You do have The Stanley Brothers & the Clinch Mountain Boys (in there 3 times actually) but not for just Ralph & the the later years he was just Ralph or Ralph + Clinch Mountain Boys.

Also, I think it's problematic to give too many of the same will people know which of the 3 Stanley Brothers + Clinch Mountain Boys to select. It's cleaner if they all show up in the same bucket...Who cares if one album says A and B vs next says A &'s same thing.


Change by DashBoardDJ856
2019-08-16 00:15:33 UTC
Assignee: DashBoardDJ856
Change by DashBoardDJ856
2019-08-16 00:16:59 UTC
Status: open processed
Comment by DashBoardDJ856
2019-08-16 00:16:59 UTC

Actually the vinyl album label just shows "Ralph Stanley".

Added, thanks!

Comment by DashBoardDJ856
2019-08-16 00:18:19 UTC

I thought they made you a Certified Contributor, I still see you listed as a Member.

I'll check into it.

Comment by mduval32323
2019-08-16 00:42:27 UTC

I think they did but I'm not sure what that means because nothing has changed...I still have to submit like always and wait for approval on submissions and I'm not getting assigned anything to validate from others so I'm not sure what it all means.

The big thing to me that would help the most is this...I have spent a lot of time going video by video making sure they exist and sometimes i find assigned videos that aren't correct or might be live and there's a studio version that matches the song that would be better and I hate having to file error reports for someone else to correct because no one really is correcting them (if I'm supposed to be getting emails once they have)....I'm sure someone on your end doesn't want 20 messages about swapping out a video w/ one I sent them but the videos are key to the experience and it would be simple if i had the rights to just do it right then and there...I've also noticed there are a gazillion covers by very independent artists that people submit. I mean at some point there needs to be some realistic scope...

Last updated by mduval32323 on 2019-08-16 00:43:46 UTC - Show original message

Comment by DashBoardDJ856
2019-08-16 01:01:58 UTC

Being a Certified Contributor, you get to see & do more things behind the scenes. I think you can change vids without writing error reports. Bastien should send you a list of the things you can do as one. It still shows you as just a "Member". You can see that under your profile.

Trust me, we are trying to close out submissions, we have over 21,000 to close and only a few people working on them. The more info you give, especially about independent artists, the more likely your submission will be closed. Plus the more info you give, the more likely you will qualify to train as an editor.